
Monday, May 24, 2010

How can I find information about someone based on their Yahoo email address?

Someone is taunting my sister with Yahoo Mail and I want to know how I can find information about whomever it is based on the email address. For starters, is there a way to find out when they created their Yahoo Mail address?

How can I find information about someone based on their Yahoo email address?
This is known as CyberStalking and CyberHarassment and is Illegal by Fed. Laws and Laws in every state. Report it to your police department. If they can't help, and many are too small to have cyber units, then you can report it to this site and ask for help. This is a private org. that can solve these problems and assist police in building cases against these people.

You can also report them to the FBI:

You can also open the Header of the email and then find the persons ISP and then send them copies of the harassibng email and demand they put a stop to this person. Once you have this ISP name send the email to abuse@ (the ISP's name). Usually the instructions for opening the header is in the Email Help. If not then Google for How do I open Email Headers.

If you are really knowledgable about computers and programs, XP has built in programs that can trace emails along with other programs for this. It is quite complicated but this site explains how you can do it. Just crate an account (free) then enter Tutorials and go from there.

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