
Friday, November 6, 2009

What is up with the new format for yahoo email? I think that it is ridiculous it was fine just the way it was.

The folks at yahoo think that they are making improvements by making these major overhauls to the system. If it is not broke don't fix it. Makes sense to me.

What is up with the new format for yahoo email? I think that it is ridiculous it was fine just the way it was.
Any change usually makes people a little uncomfortable initially, cause it moves them away from what they're used to and comfortable with. A certain amount of change is sometimes good---***IF***---it improves the original situation.

I'm not so sure this recent update did that overall. OH, sure---a couple of the changes are good----some are "so-so", but leave us scrambling to come up with solutions or a "work around"----and some of them are just flat out and out, "a pain in the butt", or unworkable.

It might not have been so bad (or unpopular) if Yahoo would have (first) at least warned us, and/or, posted some "hints" on how to adjust and use the new changes to our benefit (if any).

See this link for a partial list of changes.

You might want to send feedback.
Reply:I must have missed something. I haven't noticed a difference. It changed to the new look about a year ago or so, but if it has changed into ANOTHER format I've not noticed or whatever.
Reply:So you drive around in a chariot pulled by horses? Because if it was not broken, why did we ever invent the car?

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